Go Big for JESPY is a transformative initiative to chart JESPY’s next 45 years with thoughtful and strategic planning to accomplish the bold and ambitious plan that keeps our clients at the center of JESPY's mission. Click to learn more about Go Big for JESPY.
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JESPY House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You will receive a record of your donation immediately after you complete the checkout process. This receipt will serve as your record for
tax purposes. Please Note: This page is for donations to the Go Big for JESPY House Initiative only. If you wish to donate is support of general operating
needs, please do so here.
Support JESPY House through Planned Gifts, IRAs, Stock Transfers, Endowment, Peer-to-Peer fundraising and more!
For a conversation about your Leadership Gift and Naming Opportunities, please contact Amy Engel, Director of Development, Marketing and Community Relations at 973-437-3770 or aengel@jespy.org.